6 Bücher: The Pursuit of Wild Trout, Mike Weaver, 1988; Reservoir and Lake Flies, John Veniard, 1970; Catching Salmon, Richard Waddington, 1979; The Pocket to Guide Saltwater Fishes, Alwyne Wheeler/Colin Newman,  1992; The Pocket Guide to Freshwater Fishes, Alwyne Wheeler/Colin Newman, 1992; Successful Angling, Coarse Fishing Tackle and Methods, Richard Walker, Fred J.Taylor, Hugh Falkus, Fred Buller, 1977

6 Bücher: The Pursuit of Wild Trout, Mike Weaver, 1988; Reservoir and Lake Flies, John Veniard, 1970; Catching Salmon, Richard Waddington, 1979; The Pocket to Guide Saltwater Fishes, Alwyne Wheeler/Colin Newman, 1992; The Pocket Guide to Freshwater Fishes, Alwyne Wheeler/Colin Newman, 1992; Successful Angling, Coarse Fishing Tackle and Methods, Richard Walker, Fred J.Taylor, Hugh Falkus, Fred Buller, 1977

Artikel Nr.: 19824


15.03.2021 16:00:00


28.03.2021 18:00:00


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